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Conference - Registration Procedure

General Registration Procedure


Please note that registration to the Forum means - June "Russia-Europe: Cooperation without Frontiers" forum

Registration to the Conference means - November "Russia - Europe" conference

Step 1:  Please register at the left upper corner of the screen (Registration button). Indicate yours and/or your company details.

Click here for General Registration

 Step 2: Please enter the site with your own Login and Password indicated upon registration

Step 3: Choose the menu

"Edit General info",

Fill-in or edit the data in ALL FIELDS in English and Russian (if you do not know Russian please insert dash (-) in Russian fields) and tick the box at the end “I want to participate in the Conference”. Click on “Update” button. After that your registration will appear on the “Participants List”.


Department of Science, Industrial Policy and Entrepreneurship of Moscow Government

Список хирургических операций и процедур больницы Св. Йозефа г. Вены

Список хирургических операций и процедур больницы Св. Йозефа г. Вены

Все виды грыж (лапароскопически и обычным способом) - € 6 500 - 8 100, 4-5 дней Онкологическая хирургия (ЖКТ + гинекология) - € 11 000 - 12 500, 7 дней Лапароскопическая толсто-кишечная хирургия, а также ТЕМ (транс-анальная эндоскопическая микрохирургия) - € 11 600 - 12 600, 7 дней; TEM - € 6 800, 4 дня 

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Russian FDI into EU

If you are looking for a foreign investor we would be happy to promote your investment project in Russia and to indentify a Russian investor for you 
